Travel Medicine Concerns
- Hepatitis A/B – Common diseases which can potentially cause serious liver inflammation and damage. Preventable with appropriate vaccination.
- Typhoid Fever – A bacterial infection of the intestines associated with ingestion of undercooked foods. Can cause fever, diarrhea, dehydration and possible intestine perforation. Vaccination is recommended.
- Meningococcal Meningitis –A deadly infection of the brain. Vaccinations are available to protect one against this type of bacterial infection.
- Malaria – A global disease infecting 500 million people annually. Appropriate medical prophylaxis and treatment can deter the devastation caused by this infection associated with a mosquito bite.
- Tick-Borne Diseases – Outdoors-men, hikers, campers beware. These insects cause a variety of diseases. Knowledge of appropriate dress and repellents can circumvent this disease.
Traveler’s Diarrhea – Up to 50% of international travelers experience this malady. It ruins the trip! Knowledgeable selection of food and drink combined with appropriate antibiotics/treatments can dissipate the majority of cases.
- Yellow Fever – Fever, yellow skin, intestinal bleeding, liver, heart and kidney failure, death are a consequence of this mosquito – transmitted disease. A vaccine provides effective protection.